Thomas Goldring

I'm the Director of Research at the Georgia Policy Labs. I served as GPL's Interim Senior Director from October 2023 to August 2024.


Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education alignment across five states (2024, AERA Open)

Who takes high-earning CTE pathways? (2024)

Work-based learning for CTE: A multi-state analysis of data collection and usage (2024)

Loopholes and the incidence of public services: Evidence from funding Career & Technical Education (2024, NBER)

A multi-state analysis of trends in Career and Technical Education (2022)

A multi-state analysis of trends in Career and Technical Education (2021)

Early Care and Education

Equitable use of subsidized child care in Georgia (2024)

Children in Georgia's Pre-K program: Characteristics and trends, 2011–12 to 2018–19 (2020)

K–12 Education

Opportunities to improve the pipeline of students into and through Advanced Placement (2023)

The effect of The Scholarship Academy's College Bound initiative FAFSA events on FAFSA completion (2023)

Student achievement growth during the COVID-19 pandemic: Fall 2021 update (2022)

Upper elementary math scores and additional supports for algebra I (2021)

Student achievement growth during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)

Principals' selection of teacher candidates (2021)

Education and Health

Testing for changes in the SES-mortality gradient when the distribution of education changes too (2016, Journal of Health Economics)

Stata Packages

tablbl: Tabulate variables showing both values and user-defined value labels (2024)

ddtiming: Bacon decomposition of a diff-in-diff estimator with variation in treatment timing (2022)